Pikes Peak School of Expeditionary Learning is a preschool-8th grade charter school established in 2000. We are located in Falcon District 49. Our core values and school philosophy reflect our adoption of the Expeditionary Learning school model. Project and fieldwork based learning develops connections between curriculum and real-life issues and promotes active, hands-on participation by all learners.

Pikes Peak School of Expeditionary Learning’s mission is to develop motivated, independently thinking individuals who demonstrate strong character, academic achievement, social confidence and service to the community by utilizing the Expeditionary Learning Model.

Our vision is to be a community that actively cultivates character in a challenging and engaging learning environment.

Pikes Peak School of Expeditionary Learning was awarded the National Credential at EL Education for its work with students, its success in achievement and its consistent high quality.

We believe children learn best through personal, direct experience. Expeditionary Learning begins with children’s curiosity about the world. It harnesses children’s passion to learn and helps them develop the curiosity, knowledge, skills and personal qualities they need for successful adulthood. Learning expeditions – journeys into the unknown for a definite purpose – are at the heart of this methodology. Students acquire knowledge and skills primarily through learning expeditions that cut across and make connections among disciplines. Instruction is individualized, with our focus on meeting the needs of every student.