Summer Enrichment Registration


PPSEL will be offering a week of Summer Enrichment to work with students on keeping their brains active, sharpening skills and having some fun.

When? June 9-13

Who? Current PPSEL students going into Kindergarten through 9th grade.

Times? 8:30-11:45 Monday-Friday

Cost? There will be no cost to families

Where? This will be held at PPSEL’s building.


  • Space will be very limited.
  • We will register students based on when the enrollment request is filled out. After we are full, students will be put on a waitlist in case spots open. We will confirm where each family is in terms of registration within a few days of receiving your registration. You will not receive an auto-generated email response.
  • No lunch will be served on those days.  Children can bring a snack if they choose.
  • PPSEL staff will move around a little, so your child/children may have a different teacher for Summer Enrichment than for their regular Crew class.
  • For questions, please email Mr. Knapp at
Families can register using the form below!

PPSEL Summer Enrichment Enrollment

Summer Enrichment will be June 9-13 in the mornings. It will begin at 8:30 and end at 11:45. No lunch will be served. It is open to current PPSEL students.